Business Continuity Plan Audit Level 2
Evaluate the Business Continuity Management System

Contact us to arrange a business continuity plan audit
Auditing the Business Continuity Management System
Governance and Roles: Confirm that the BCMS has a clearly defined governance structure, with roles and responsibilities assigned to specific individuals or teams. .
Leadership and Oversight: Ensure that senior management provides adequate oversight and support for the Business Continuity Mnamagemet System
Exercising and Testing: Verify that the BCMS defines regular tests through drills, exercises, and simulations to ensure it is operationally resilient. The testing should be comprehensive, involving all key stakeholders and covering various scenarios.
Issue management: Ensure that business continuity management system includes processes for capturing issues arising from testing, plan review and audits
Assurance Schedule: Ensure that business continuity managementsystem defines an organisation wide assurance schedule that defines assurance actions, their frequency and responsibilities for performing them.
Continuous Improvement: Assess the process for reviewing and improving the BCMS based on lessons learned from tests, actual incidents, and changes in the business environment.
Coordination with Stakeholders: Verify that there is coordination with key stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and regulatory bodies. The BCMS should include strategies for maintaining relationships and ensuring continuity with these stakeholders.
Standards and Regulations: Regulatory Compliance: Confirm that the BCMS is cognisant ofrelevant legal, regulatory, and industry-specific requirements. This includes data protection regulations, industry-specific continuity requirements, and any other applicable legal mandates..
Resource Allocation and Capability
Adequacy of Resources: Assess whether there are adequate resources, including personnel, technology, and financial resources, to operate the business continuity management system. This includes verifying that key role holders are still in place, adequately trained and that necessary tools and technologies are in place.
Competency of Personnel: Ensure that personnel involved in the BCMS are competent and adequately trained to perform their roles effectively.
Continuous Monitoring: Evaluate whether the mechanisms in place for continuous monitoring of risks, threats, and the effectiveness of the BCMS. This includes assessing the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics to monitor the system’s performance.
Contact us to arrange a business continuity plan audit
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